Remember a couple of blogs ago when I told you that disaster had struck? Well, this is that disaster. It started with one broken bolt. Then it was just one wrong decision after another. We removed the flange to get at the motor that wasn't working, I tried bringing in the slide while Mike worked the motor. One too many attempts and out went the slide, 'and just like that'...we were instantly homeless!
I know what you are thinking: 'Why in the hell did they removed the flange?' Well I'll tell you! If you have ever been in a Motorhome, or any RV, you will see warning labels EVERYWHERE. On the stove, the fridge, the microwave/oven Hell you even see them in the shower! But NOWHERE are you warned about the flange being the ONLY thing keeps the slide in. There isn't a label anywhere, it's nowhere in the manual either! Just a wee bit of a design flaw, don't you think? You can safely assume that at some point, we will be making a trip to Middlebury, Indiana and tell corporate exactly how stupid this design is. But it's more than that, for the love of God all we needed was a freekin' label or a warning the manual!!! It's not that hard people!
So basically, the worst possible thing that could have happened to us, happened to us in the best possible location. This happened at Mike's son's house. We were trying to pack up and go to our friend Bob's house. That was the plan, 'and just like that' .....the plans changed. Now I know I've said this before, but I'm going to say it again; When the rubber hits the road, you find out who your friends really are, and we have some of the BEST!!
Judy and Darren for being the first on the scene with heavy equipment, sadly not heavy enough for our giant slide.
Leon for reaching out to the right people that answered the call.
Phil's Tree Service for such an immediate and outstanding job.
And once all that was done, one more phone call to one of the coolest people ever, Larissa, 'and just like that'... we were no longer homeless.
For all the crap that happened, all the emotional stress, the testing of friendships, the endless adventures we had this summer, I can say one thing for certain: I wouldn't change my life for anyone else's. When we left Keene back in 2021, we knew that there would be challenges, and boy howdy this was the biggest one yet!
This happened at the end of May 'and just like that'.....it was the beginning of September, and we had our home back. It was both a really long summer, and a really short summer.
That's the thing about time, you don't know how much you have, so you need to spend it with the right people, and seeing as many places as possible. You may think me crazy - and you may have a point - but when we finally got our home back and were putting it back together at our friend Allen's house, never once did I wish I was somewhere else.
We literally had to empty it out completely, so I could rearrange-again. Also so I could clean it from top to bottom. My man Mike, was the "pick things up, and put them down" guy. He let me do what I needed and simply asked, "Where do you want this, honey?"
He's my husband, my best friend, and most importantly- my partner in crime. Afterall, we were almost arrested this summer, but that's another story. I'd like to leave you with a photo of our diva, Stella. It was taken while the crane was putting our slide back in, Mike was trying to NOT have a stroke and I was throwing up in the front yard - yeah it was a rough day- but we are the 3 musketeers and someone needed to bring some levity to the moment. 'And just like that".....

There are so many more stories and adventures to share about our visit to New England. I plan on writing about every last bit of it...
Until then....Be Well, Be Happy and Safe Travels