We did it! The closing is complete and we are officially off "The Valley". Yes, it's bittersweet, but more sweet than bitter. Let me recap:
February: Develope a plan, figure out what we want, get help (Thank you Alan Sills for your concierge service...worth it's weight in gold).
March: Purchase and pick up our new house on wheels. (Thank you Andrea for keeping an eye on Stella....again)
April: Start selling and purging all the stuff we no longer need. (Thank you to our kids for getting the ball rolling)
May: A buyer found us.... or so we thought...(Thank you Rick and Barb for the very best distraction)
June: We've got a closing date...wait nope! (Thank you Stephanie Guitard, Sue Benik, Malaise, and many more for the words of encouragement).
July: The 11th hour failure, and the house having to hit the market (Thank you Rick Lewis for digging deep and making shit happen).
August: Noah build an ark rain, and we are showing the house anyway (Thank you Steve Peterson for seeing the potential and not the wet basement)
And now that I'm actually sitting at one of our best friend's (Bob) house finally writing this blog, I can't believe we did it. There are moments in your life when something really big happens and most of the time you don't realize how big that moment is until much time has passed. We are truly trying to make a conscience effort to live in this moment, because seriously, selling your home is a big deal... Selling your home for fulltime RVing is a completely different animal.
In the last 6 months we have gone through so many highs and lows. There's been blood, sweat and tears. We've gone from zero to 100 and back again more times than I care to count. And through it all there are the people that supported us, that listened to our stories of woe, and celebrated our highs, and in the end, bid us a fond farewell.
Many people in our life that have helped in some form or fashion that I can't possibly list them all and the help they gave us, but here are the a few that deserve an acknowledgement and they know why: Cindy, Allen, Ida, Stacey, Heidi, The Richters, Andrew and Amanda, Bruce and Yvonne, Jennie, Richie, Don, Frank, Al, Larissa, Judy and Darren. These people, helped us get to where we are, as did our family...but that's a story for another day.
So when I say "Couldn't have done it without you"...if you know me you know I truly mean it. If there is anyone that I missed, please know it's not because you didn't make a difference, but simply because It's late as I write this and my brain is wildly fried.
Before I close, I really want to send a huge Congrats to brother Pete and Christine (his better half) for the purchase of their new home and would like to book a spot in their yard when we get back to New England next year.
Until next time....be well, be happy and safe travels.
Hi Mike & Kris! Ida tried to show me all this on her phone since I didn't receive it, but then she emailed it to me & that worked. The photos are great & Kris you write like an author! Enjoy the Cadillac while the dealer solves your power problem. Happy trails, Allen
Mike & Kris- I just got home tonight and there was a trash can I have never seen before in you driveway and the RV is gone. I must have got your message late- because I thought that you were leaving next weekend! We are so sorry not to have been able to hug you in person- but know that you will be missed. You always made us feel so welcome and accepted. We will miss your big personalities and laugh, your pine needle bonfires, hospitality and our cat talks- haha! We are so excited to follow along and are glad you are following your dream. You have our support from afar. Sending you big hugs! Love from T…
Congratulations!! Happy trails!
i normally would have my phone off at this i hour
and would not even think of it
but for whatever reason it was not off and for whatever reason i looked at it and saw you had literally just posted
wishing you guys the best
see you on your return or when beau and i are able to get in the van and go
cant wait to read about your adventures